Bulletproof Vest
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today.
I didn’t like it at all.
I thought it might be exciting, It wasn’t.
It was uncomfortable, both physically and psychologically.
The weight of years of persecution weighing heavily on my hips.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today.
I have never worn one before.
I used to take my position as instructed.
With a walkie talkie for company. Not now.
People passing used to say ‘hello’. Not today.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today.
It wasn’t a fashion statement.
I didn’t wear it with a hoodie, I wore it with a suit.
I took off my jacket to fit it over my shirt.
It was only on for an hour. That was enough.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today.
It made each sound louder.
A car backfired. A door slammed. A voiced raised.
I turned to check it was not a threat.
It wasn’t. We’re safe. This time.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today.
I was standing by the entrance.
Doing my bit to help, although I’m not trained.
I live in a nice town. A nice country.
At least I thought I did.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today
The sun was shining, but it felt dark.
The warm rays stopped before they hit me.
Something changed that can’t be undone.
More security measures are needed, they say.
I wore a bulletproof vest for the first time today
I’m sure it won’t be the last