
intermittent since 2001

Worthy Farm

It’s been a couple of years but I’m back at Worthy Farm for Glastonbury’s 40th Birthday. I’m briefly holed up in Orange’s Chill ‘n Charge tent where I’m giving my iPhone some well earned juice (yeah thanks iOS4 for screwing with my battery!).
So far today I’ve had the pleasure of Snoop and Rolf (Harris that is), and there is a rumour that Thom Yorke will be playing at The Park at 8.30, so we’ll be heading over there for a bit before heading back down to The Pyramid for the Gorillaz spectacular.
In about 10 minutes I will be hooking up with my fellow Red Sea Pedestrians in the Jewish Tent for the traditional friday night chicken soup. I’ll report back on the quality of that later!
I think 85% should get me through the next day perhaps. Time to disconnect the phone and head back out into the madness, I can hear a pint of cide calling my name.

glastonbury 2010 orange iphone

mistersnappy • June 25, 2010

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