
intermittent since 2001

The Brown Flag Awards

I write about my local neighbourhood a bit and run a local twitter thing and tumblr as well. Recently one of our local parks has won a prestigious Green Flag award, celebrating exceptional parks in the UK. This is great for the borough, of course, but it looks like Harrow Council have neglected other local parks in it’s favour. Out of respect for the (formerly) fantastic park at the end of our road, Pinner Village Gardens, I have set up the Brown Flag Awards, recognising shitty parks across the UK. Parks that were once fabulous but have since been forsaken by their local councils, but still need our love.

If your local green space has seen better days and is being sacrificed at the expense of glory chasing councils then fill in this form or add your details at the Brown Flag Awards website.

Pile on the pressure. Make your local park better.

brown flag awardspinnerpinner village gardenspinnerteresttumblrtwitter

mistersnappy • October 6, 2013

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